If you experience difficulty breathing, want to learn more about the science of breathing easier, express concerns, pose questions, and share solutions, then this is for you.

Families and the health care team are very important and most welcome.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Laughter Really Is The Best Medicine

There are some wonderful benefits in laughter.  In many years spent 
observing and sharing experiences with people with breathing
difficulties, I have seen many.  For those who have retained 
secretions and trouble coughing, it can provide great airway 
clearance!  It is good breathing exercise.  Best of all, from kids 
to adults, it always brings good times together!

Relaxes tension
Boosts your immune system
Reduces heart rate and blood pressure
Exercises breathing muscles
Releases endorphins 

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Green Tea Benefits

Green tea is made from the Chinese camellia plant leaves.  You can buy it as traditional tea bags, bottled, or as a supplement.  The way it is processed minimizes oxidation, which may be why is has so many benefits.   Of course always ask your doctor’s opinion.
Here is a list of some of the benefits people are suggesting it may have.  Research is underway or accomplished on many of these.
Stabilizes cholesterol levels      Eases allergy symptoms
Lowers cancer risk                   Prevents tooth decay
Boosts immune system            Eases arthritis pain
Promotes brain, skin and cardiovascular health     
Here's to blue skies, better health, and enjoying each day!!   


Thursday, August 11, 2011

Just in from Respiratory Report

When heavy smokers kick the habit, they experience elevated levels of the enzyme monoamine oxidase A (MAO-A) in regions of the brain that regulate mood, such as the prefrontal cortex and the anterior cingulate cortex, according to Canadian researchers. MAO-A has been linked to depression.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Maintaining good health, especially lung health, has three parts,  exercise, eating right and most importantly not smoking.  It is never too late to quit smoking.   The benefits are well worth it and experienced right away!  There are many tools to help you quit and stay quit.  Ask your doctor for a plan tailored for you.  It may be much easier than you thought.  There are so many options to help you.  Check it out!!  Tomorrow can be a better breathing day!!!