If you experience difficulty breathing, want to learn more about the science of breathing easier, express concerns, pose questions, and share solutions, then this is for you.

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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Understanding COPD, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Over 12 million people in the United States have COPD,  about 1 in 4 older Americans. It has become the 4th leading cause of death. Most people with COPD are over 40 and many have smoking history, or environmental exposure to fumes or airborne particles

There is a big misconception we make.  We expect shortness of breath with activities to be a normal part of aging. Feeling short of breath is not normal at any age. Changing or stopping activities you enjoy, because you can't catch your breath may be a sign of COPD. 
In COPD the airways can become narrowed or damaged. This makes it hard to get air out, and can cause that breathless feeling. Other symptoms may include coughing, excess mucus, noisy breathing or wheezing.
Today many treatments are available to improve your breathing.  If you think you may have COPD, talk to your doctor. A simple breathing test, right in the doctor's office, can help determine if you have it.
To learn more about COPD, visit www.learnaboutcopd.org by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute of the NIH, and the American Lung Association.
Don’t miss out on things because of shortness of breath.  Talk with your doctor.  There are many great treatment options to help you get back on track.

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