If you experience difficulty breathing, want to learn more about the science of breathing easier, express concerns, pose questions, and share solutions, then this is for you.

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Friday, July 8, 2011

Eating Happy and Healthy With Less Distress

If you have shortness of breath or damage to your lungs, it’s very beneficial to know what foods can help nutritionally, and simply how to manage eating more comfortably. 

A large meal can make you uncomfortable for several reasons. 
A full stomach can push up against your diaphragm making it harder to breathe.  It also requires more oxygen to digest.  Foods that produce gas can fill your stomach and can be uncomfortable as it pushes up on your diaphragm and makes breathing far more difficult.  Small meals and healthy snacks throughout the day work well.

Eating in a relaxed atmosphere and resting afterward is beneficial.  If you tire easily, planning and cooking ahead can help.  Too much preparation and work to get the meal and eating right afterward can be too taxing.

If you want to improve the health of your lungs, you'll find a variety of foods that can help you.  Most important foods are fruits and vegetables and the deeper the color the better.  They provide nutrients and fiber that help reduce cholesterol and move food through your digestive system.   High fiber foods include fresh fruit and vegetables, cooked beans, whole grains, dried peas and beans.  These foods also help control blood sugar levels.

Many nutritionists tell us to avoid white foods like sugar, rice and bread. 

New posts will discuss what foods can improve your health and even help repair damage to your lungs.   Balanced, good nutrition can improve your breathing.  There are new studies that I will share that offer good advice.

As Julia Childs would say, “Bon Appetit”!

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